Sunday, 4 October 2009

Song of the Day - 04/10/09

Mohamad Fouad - Law

Beautiful song and very funny and touching video from Egyptian singer Mohamad Fouad.

Lyric Translation:


everybody have past and memories ...your heart forget but ia m sure your eyes still remember
i will go and leave you with the world and the past and tomorrow
If you want to remember me just close your eyes for minute and you will see the truth ..ahha If

If you bring bake the memories of your life and flip with you memories
you think you will find lover how you can trust and make you dream come true
i took the smile from my lips and gave that to you . i made you warm when your cold i was crying for you so your eyes doesn't be sad

If you want to remember me just close your eyes for a minute and you will see the truth. ahhha If

If you really my lover come to me complain scream at me before you leave
If you really my lover don't leave me don't betray me . you and live are on me
Ifyou really my lover don't leave my heart when it broken stay with my heart when it on fire and when it's crying when it's on pain and happiness
stay with my heart .and like my heart forgive you before please let your heart forgive me

If you want to remember me just close your eyes for a minute and you will see the truth

just because i loved you and gone crazy about you .. I'm paying all this with tears and pain with long nights
i wont blame you of what you did to me .
me and my heart will accept any ending

If you want to remember me just close you eyes for a minute and you will see the truth

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